Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Coin Unveiled

Bangliang Unveiled
By: San Lew
The Chicki Licki
3 Days Ago, 216 B.C

XIANYANG- Emperor Qin Shi huang has just announced that he will be unveiling a new coin called Bangliang, to China. He has already standardized weights, measures, language, and the currency. Now he plans on standardizing coins. They will be copper, and have a hole in the middle which will allow people to put them on a chain with keys. We have interview many people about what they think of Emperor Qin and his decision.
The first person we have interviewed was a trader named Shannh Mang. He said, “I support the idea of the new coin. It will be something new and valuable that I and other traders could be trading.” Then after we had talked to Shannh Mang, Emperor Qin had an announcement about his new coins. “The new coins will lead is to a better society. It will also make our lives much easier. They will have a hole in the middle so that you may keep them on a rope or chain and have a better chance that you wont lose them.”
A day after the coin was unveiled we had interviewed two other people. They are Nao Mi, and Yat Migan. Nao Mi is a merchant. She told us, “They may make other people’s lives easier but they make mine harder. I had money saved up, and he goes ahead and makes a new one. I saved all of that money up for nothing.” Then we interviewed Yat Migan, a foreigner from Rome. He said, “I don’t like the new coins. I have put some on my bags while I was traveling, and some low life thief came along and stole all the money I have. Now I have completely no money, thanks to Emperor Qin and his stupid idea.
After interviewing those three different people, we have decided that lots of people are very upset about the new coins and are going completely broke. We only hope that people will find away to make the money and continue on with their lives.


Editorial Rough Draft
Samantha Lewis

Emperor Qin had decided to standardize his dynasty by making new coins called Bangliang. He had already standardized weights, measures, language, currency,and writing. It was very good that Emperor Qin has standardized the coins.
During the earlier years of the Qin Dyansty had many stern measures in reorganization. Among them was the monetary system. (system of money) The Knife and Spade coins were replaced by the bangliang. They had the nickname Square Hole Brother. It got that nickname because it had a square hole in the middle of the coin.
To some people Emperor Qin had standardized too many things in an only matter of years. He had standardized weights, measures, language, currency, and writing. And now he was standardizing coins.
I believe that Emperor Qin standardizing the coins was a good idea because you couldn’t lose them as easily, and it would help people more in life.


Website: N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2012.

A Map Of The Qin Dynasty

Literature, Art, and Music

Literature, Art and Music Rough Draft
By: Samantha Lewis

Literature has been around for thousands of years. It’s been here so long that even in 216 B.C it exsicted. During the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Qin had banned all books, except ones that were about medicine, herbs, dining, and agriculture.
Art has also been around for thousands of years. Even back in the Qin Dynasty. Back then some of the most famous art work know today is The Terra Cotta Warriors, and then Emperor Qin’s Tomb. Also they were famous for calligraphy.
Music also has been around since the Qin Dynasty. For music they would use chimes and  bells.

Religion And Belief Systems

Religion And Belief Systems Rough Draft
By: Samantha Lewis

The Qin Dynasty was legalistic. That means that they were really strict with their laws, and really harsh with their punishments. 

An Average Day With My Host Family

An Average Day With My Host Family
By: Samantha Lewis

I lived with my family in Xianyang. We were slaves. This means that our life was hard. So hard it was enbarable. Our family worked for a couple, who was having a baby girl soon. We call them The Lew’s. Or Masters.  For fun we would see who could throw a rock  the farthest. We had no toys or games, so we had to make them up. We prayed that someday we would be free people. We ate leftover scraps, and sometimes leaves. The government had many rules. We would not be allowed to be free or escape or we would be harshly punished. It was difficult to eat, and sleep. The Bangliang had been invented so Emperor Qin’s dynasty would be standardized. Our clothes were really old and filthy. They were just completely torn up. It was just a very long shirt. At the begining of the day we would have to clean the master’s bedroom,and make them breakfast. In thee middle of the day we would prepare lunch, and cleanup the entire house. At the end of the day we would prepare dinner and cleanup. Then we would take remaining scraps from the trash, and eat them.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Inventions: You Wont Believe What They Have Here!

Inventions: You Wont Believe What They Have Here!
By: Samantha Lewis

Bangliang was invented in China during the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Qin was standardizing his empire. One thing that it included was new coins. They had already standardized weights, measures, currency, language, and writing.
It was developed in China back in 216 B.C. When people traded with other countries would get it and would keep trading,
The Bangliang has really changed people’s lives because people wouldn’t be able to spend it outside of China. Though they would be able to spend it in China.
It was not used in most other countries. Yes they would recieve them from trading, but they would only be able to spend them in China.