Thursday, February 9, 2012

An Average Day With My Host Family

An Average Day With My Host Family
By: Samantha Lewis

I lived with my family in Xianyang. We were slaves. This means that our life was hard. So hard it was enbarable. Our family worked for a couple, who was having a baby girl soon. We call them The Lew’s. Or Masters.  For fun we would see who could throw a rock  the farthest. We had no toys or games, so we had to make them up. We prayed that someday we would be free people. We ate leftover scraps, and sometimes leaves. The government had many rules. We would not be allowed to be free or escape or we would be harshly punished. It was difficult to eat, and sleep. The Bangliang had been invented so Emperor Qin’s dynasty would be standardized. Our clothes were really old and filthy. They were just completely torn up. It was just a very long shirt. At the begining of the day we would have to clean the master’s bedroom,and make them breakfast. In thee middle of the day we would prepare lunch, and cleanup the entire house. At the end of the day we would prepare dinner and cleanup. Then we would take remaining scraps from the trash, and eat them.

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